Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rosie's adventures in exploring blogs...

To be honest, reading other peoples' blogs does not engage me. I read the Blue Skunk blog and thought about the visionary/pragmatist comparison for awhile trying to decide which better describes me. I also read Bud the Teacher's and Adventures in Educational Blogging.

It seems like the purpose is for teacher reflection and the sharing of ideas, and also for teachers who have the time and desire to write out their thoughts. I suppose that educational blogs are more interesting/useful than other chat room type experiences where people spend time talking about nothing, but I just do not enjoy spending lots of time online. I would rather go for a walk, make cookies call my mom and play with my baby!

As for reflection on teaching I much prefer face to face discussions/grade level meetings/professional development days, anytime when I can meet with real teachers who teach at my level (and in Spanish is helpful too) with whom I can share ideas/strategies!
But I wont take away anyone's burning passion...if you want to post daily thoughts about life, love and teaching go for it! :o)

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