Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rosie's adventures in exploring blogs...

To be honest, reading other peoples' blogs does not engage me. I read the Blue Skunk blog and thought about the visionary/pragmatist comparison for awhile trying to decide which better describes me. I also read Bud the Teacher's and Adventures in Educational Blogging.

It seems like the purpose is for teacher reflection and the sharing of ideas, and also for teachers who have the time and desire to write out their thoughts. I suppose that educational blogs are more interesting/useful than other chat room type experiences where people spend time talking about nothing, but I just do not enjoy spending lots of time online. I would rather go for a walk, make cookies call my mom and play with my baby!

As for reflection on teaching I much prefer face to face discussions/grade level meetings/professional development days, anytime when I can meet with real teachers who teach at my level (and in Spanish is helpful too) with whom I can share ideas/strategies!
But I wont take away anyone's burning passion...if you want to post daily thoughts about life, love and teaching go for it! :o)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

!Buenas tardes a todos!
I am writing this for the second time because my initial post disappeared! When I tried to post it would not let me and it closed down. I think my override powers had ended after just 15 minutes! :o(
Okay, here I go again, I hope I can remember all that I said...

An additional challenge I face [along with a lack of time for creativity, yet I do my best to still be creative on the weekends... and student's lack of (or abundance of) technology at home] is availability of the computer lab! The past few weeks, first due to the TESA crisis and now due to ELPA testing our computer lab has been very occupied, so my Kindergarteners haven't been able to have computer class.

But when we do go I usually try to do a project that ties in with our classroom learning. For example when we were studying Mexico, each student created their own version of the flag of Mexico. Students created a rectangle for the flag, dividing it into three sections and filling each section with the corresponding colors. They found an eagle, cactus and snake picture to create the emblem in the middle. Students then created a text box to write "La bandera de Mexico". Everyone is so proud and excited to see their work finally come magically out of the printer!

I have realized that I also need to teach a few lessons to help students learn the correct names for all of the computer parts. I would also like to do more with digital photographs. Once we took photos of my class playing at recess, and had them change background colors and add to the photos in computer class, but I would like to learn more in this area!

I also would like students to be able to look up their chosen animal and find simple info and pictures (anyone know of a good website to find good, clear, not too detailed, animal information?) when we write animal research books after Spring Break!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

mi segunda escritura

Ya estoy pensando en mi bebe. Espero que esta bien y esta jugando con su amiguito. Espero que no este llorando o preocupado porque su mama no esta con el.

Lo hago mucha falta. Me gustaria dormir ya. Manana tengo que levantarme temprano para hacer brownies para el staff de Lincoln.

Adios amigos,

Mi primera escritura

Este es la primera escritura de mi blog. ?Increible no?